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Rec Supply List

Rec Supply List

U9-U19 must order uniforms from

U4-U8 will have jerseys and socks provided at your child's first practice!

Players can wear comfortable clothing for practices (shorts & t-shirt is fine) with their soccer cleats, and will need dark colored (black or navy) shorts for games. They will also need the following supplies for each practice and at games:

  • soccer ball 
    • U4-U8 Size 3 ball
    • U9-U12 Size 4 ball
    • U13-U19 Size 5 ball
  • water bottle (larger than usual - soccer makes us thirsty!)
  • soccer cleats (any brand/color outdoor soccer cleats is fine in rec)
  • shin guards (should cover from just below the knee to just above the ankle – socks go OVER shin guards)

Dick's Sporting Goods Shopping Lists

Check out these lists at Dick's Sporting Goods to make shopping for Rec soccer supplies even simpler!

U4-U8 DSG Shopping List

U9-U12 DSG Shopping List

U13-U19 DSG Shopping List

Rec Coaches Shopping List