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Elite Clubs National League
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Coach Resources
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Coach's Corner
Coach's Code of Conduct
VYSA Coaching ED
Skills Videos
Age Characteristics
Cross Association Rules
Managing Lopsided Games
Coach Registration
Videos to improve footwork
Foundation Foot-skills
Dribbling to Create Space
Dribbling to beat Opponent
Additional Skill Activities
Ex. 1: Toe-Taps-Static
Ex. 2: Toe-Taps Directional
Ex. 3: Pendulum-Static
Ex. 4: Pendulum-Directional
Ex. 5: Pull Back/Push forward (R)
Ex. 6: Pull Back/Push forward (L)
Ex. 7: Pull Back/Push Out (R)
Ex. 8: Pull Back/Push Out (L)
Ex. 9: Roll Outside to Inside
Ex. 10: Step Over-Static
Ex. 11: Step & Turn-Static
Ex. 13: Roll Sole
Ex. 14: Zig Zag Slalom (R)
Ex. 15: Zig Zag Slalom (L)
Ex. 16: Bow Ties
Ex.17: Dribble- Stop Turn w/ Sole
Ex. 18: Dribble- The U Turn
Ex. 19: Dribble- Inside Cut
Ex. 20: Dribble- Outside Cut
Ex. 21: Dribble- Drag Back L
Ex. 25: Dribble- Cryuff
Ex. 27: Step Over Turn Outside
Ex. 29: Dribble- Stop and Go w/ Sole Roll
Ex. 30: Roll and Cut
Ex. 31: Step Over Turn
Ex. 32: Messi
Ex. 33: The Shimmy
Ex. 34: Stanley Matthew's
Ex. 35: Drag Scissors
Ex. 36: Ronaldinho
Ex. 37: The Ronaldo Chop
Ex. 38: Hop and Go
Ex. 39: Pull Through
Ex. 40: Xavi Turn
Ex. 41: The Beardsley
Ex. 42: The Pull Push
Ex. 43: The Double Touch
Ex 44: The Maradona
Ex. 45: Juggling - Foot Catch
Ex. 46: Juggling - Both Feet Only
Ex. 47: Juggling - Feet and Thighs Only
Ex. 48: Juggling - Head Only
Ex. 49: Juggling - All Surfaces
Ex. 50: Receiving w/ Chest
Ex. 51: Receiving Across Body
Ex. 52: Receiving w/ Passing
Ex. 53: Receiving w/ instep out of air
Ex. 54: Receiving w/ thigh out of air
Ex. 55: Receiving w/ feet out of air
Ex. 56: Receiving Volleys
Ex. 57: One Touch Passing - Lateral Movement
Ex. 58: One Touch Passing - Checking To
Ex. 59: Volley Returns
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