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Magic & Mystx Classic


FC Richmond’s Classic teams train and play at a competitive level. Teams are formed from tryouts in April for the 2024-2025 soccer year that begins in August. A high priority is placed on technical proficiency, tactical awareness, and personal development. Players learn the values of discipline, commitment, and accountability.



  • Licensed professional coaches with college/professional playing experience.
  • Support from full-time Technical/Executive Director, Trip Ellis USSF A License; Director of Coaching, Trip Dunville USSF A License; Director of Goalkeeping and Youth Development, Mac Phillips USSF C License


  • Individual conditioning program begins late July for two weeks prior to pre-season
  • Pre-season team conditioning program, three days x 1 week, (mid-August)
  • Regular season training, two days per week 
  • Winter Training one time per week in Jan/Feb
  • Specialized goalkeeper specific training with Directors of Goalkeeping


  • U11-U12 Classic teams play in the Advanced Development Soccer League (ADSL), a local league featuring Richmond based clubs.
  • U13-U19 Classic teams in 2024-2025 will play in the VA NPL.
  • Participation in 3-5 selected tournaments per year depending on age group.
  • Players evaluated and brought in to Magic and Mystx Elite training and/or games as appropriate.


  • Players commit to play for the entire soccer year.
  • Players must be dedicated and strive for perfect attendance at all training sessions, scrimmages, games, and tournaments.
  • Players commit to follow all club rules and guidelines as presented in the player handbook.
  • FC Richmond players can play on their high school or middle school soccer teams.


U11-U15 Magic/Mystx Classic Fees - $2100; U16-U19 Magic/Mystx Classic Fees - $1900 -- See Travel Fees tab under Program Description for more information and payment options.

**Teams formed from mid-year supplemental tryouts will be half the posted fees.


2024-2025 is the first year of a two-year uniform cycle for Magic/Mystx Classic uniforms.

ALL Classic players approximate game and training uniform cost including training jacket: $300 +tax and shipping (returning Classic players do not have to replace training uniform and/or jacket as long as they fit properly and are not overly worm)

All Travel players are required to wear cleats that are 80% black in color. We believe cleats are part of the player's uniform and should look the same and professional